People living on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba who have complaints about their treatment by government can talk to National Ombudsman staff face to face this March.
Two staff members will visit each of the islands to hear grievances about local government and, for example, the tax department, the police, the Health Insurance Office, or the National Office for the Caribbean Netherlands. Tell them if officials are not listening or responding, or if they are failing to communicate respectfully, honestly and in a reliable manner. If the problem is straightforward, we will try to solve it. If your relationship with the administrative authority has broken down, we will try to get a dialogue going again. If the complaint is more complicated, we can investigate the issue in greater depth.
The visits will be announced in the local media. Watch out for radio spots about the visits to St. Eustatius and Saba and Bonaire, and read the advertisements in local newspapers on St. Eustatius, Saba and Bonaire. The exact dates and locations of the visits are listed below. At all other times of the year you can contact us by calling +31 70 356 35 63 (on weekdays before 12 noon local time) or file complaints online.
St. Eustatius
Staff members: Armin Dorn and Stefan Pfeifer
- Monday 9 March, 16.00 – 19.00 in the public library
- Tuesday 10 March, 15.00 – 17.00 in het Auxiliary Home
- Wednesday 11 March, 16.00 – 19.00 in the public library
You can also make an appointment by calling 318 1288 from 10 to 13 november or by e-mailing a.dorn@nationaleombudsman.nl or s.pfeifer@nationaleombudsman.nl
Staff members: Jeanine Stam and Gaby von Maltzahn
- Tuesday 10 March, 16.00 – 19.00, The Bottom: Saba Roads & Construction Company building
- Wednesday 11 March, 16.00 – 19.00, Windwardside: RS Accounting (near RBC bank)
You can also make an appointment by calling 416 5080 from 9 to 12 March or by e-mailing j.stam@nationaleombudsman.nl or g.vonmaltzahn@nationaleombudsman.nl
Staff members: Hans Oosterveer and Yvonne Kraan
- Tuesday 10 March, 9.30 – 11.30
- Thursday 12 March, 17.30 – 19.30
- Friday 13 March, 9.30 – 11.30
Antriol, Plasa Francisco Chiku Goeloe
- Wednesday 11 March, 9.30 – 11.30
Rincon: Sentro di Bario
- Tuesday 10 March, 17.30 – 19.30
Playa: Council on Law Enforcement
Kaya Industria 15a (opposite the Bonaco petrol station)
You can also make an appointment by calling 513 1320 from 9 to 13 March or by e-mailing h.oosterveer@nationaleombudsman.nl or y.kraan@nationaleombudsman.nl.