Usa e formulario aki pa entregá bo keho serka nos. E ora ei nos lo kuminsá wak kon nos por yuda bo.

The National Ombudsman handles complaints about how government organizations do their work. Check here whether the National Ombudsman is allowed to handle complaints about the organisation about which your complaint concerns.

Loke ta marká ku * ta obligatorio pa yena

Kiko, na bo opinion, gobièrnu no ta hasi bon.

Ombudsman Nashonal ta trata solamente keho tokante gobernashon.

Por ta ku e instansha aki no ta pertenesé na gobernashon.

Bo sa sigur ku e instansha di kual bo ta keha ta pertenesé na gobernashon?

  • Yama nos grátis na +31 70 356 35 63 (riba dia di trabou di 9:00 te 17:00 or).

We may only handle your complaint if you are not satisfied with how your complaint was handled by the government organisation. Or if you have not received a response from the organisation after six weeks. That is why we ask you for more information.

Bo mes a keha kaba na e instansha(nan) gubernamental?

First submit your complaint to the government organization about which your complaint relates.

Every government organization has a website with information on how to file a complaint.

These sample letters will help you write a letter of complaint or objection in which you explain why you disagree with the decision.

Konta kiko ta pasando. Bo por usa e kantidat di palabra nesesario, pero ten’é kòrtiku. Den kaso ku nos tin mester di mas informashon, nos lo tuma kontakto ku bo.

Si di bo banda tin mas pregunta, ku plaser nos lo skuchá bo

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Agregá un máksimo di 5 dokumento ku ta importante pa e keho. Huntu e dokumentonan akí no por ta mas grandi ku 12MB. Por agregá dokumentonan ku ta kaba ku e siguiente ekstenshonnan: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, odt, pdf, rtf, jpg, jpeg, png.