The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia held a national seminar entitled "Fulfillment of Public Service Standards in the Context of Progressive and Participatory Public Services (Propartive)" on Wednesday, 27 November 2019 in Jakarta.
This seminar is a series of the "Awarding Compliance Predicate in 2019" to the Ministry/Institution/Local Government. The event was opened by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD and attended by several Ministers, High Officials, Mayors and Regents.
Mediation skills
The Member of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, Dadan Suparjo Suharmawijaya explained that the Propartive method was introduced to representatives of public service providers at the ministries, institutional and local government levels in order to strengthen the development of public service complaints management units in their respective institutions. This method introduces mediation skills in the handling of complaints. The method was adopted from the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, originally called the Fair Treatment Approach (FTA). The result of the skill is that citizens feel heard and taken seriously. And it allows for the investigators to get to the interest of the parties involved. In the end it speeds up complaint handling procedures and saves much time.
Since mid-2019, there has been Propartive training in all of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Offices both at the Center and in 34 Representative Offices. The training was provided to the Heads of the regional offices and their staff. Commissioner Dadan of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia explained that "Hopefully this training can enrich the skills or abilities especially for the Assistant of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (investigator) and Ombudsman Individuals in relation to completing public reports effectively and efficiently" .
Two themes that were discussed in the seminar are "Comparison of Good Practices of the Application of Fair Treatment Approach (FTA) - Propartive in the Netherlands and Indonesia" and "Propartive Application in the Management of Public Service Complaints". The speakers were from the National Ombudsman, the Vrije University Amsterdam Center for International Cooperation (CIS VU), the Leiden Van Vollenhoven Institute, the Center for Conflict Resolution (CvC). Also present were speakers from the National Mediation Center Fahmi Shahab, Deputy for Development Monitoring, Evaluation and Control of the Ministry of National Development Planning, Dr. Ir. Taufik Hanafi and Central Sulawesi Ombudsman Representative Sofyan Farid Lembah.
Participants in this activity were the internal of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, including the Members of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, the Heads of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Representatives from 34 Provinces, the Assistants of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Secretary General of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia along with the ranks. The external participants were guests from the Kingdom of the Netherlands who were project partners including the Royal Netherlands Embassy and the International Law Development Organization (IDLO). Also attending were representatives from Ministries, Institutions and Local Governments as recipients of the 2019 Public Service Standards Compliance Award Award. Last but not least, the representatives from Non-Governmental Organizations, Academics, and Mass Media. With 400 participants the seminar was a great success. (MFM)
Source: Office of the Ombudsman, Indonesia